Becoming Ambidextrous

Becoming Ambidextrous

Well. A few weeks ago, I was snowboarding in the Alps and had a minor accident. I now have had the opportunity to test out the Swiss medical system, unfortunately from a patient standpoint. I injured my left thumb in a fall.

After a few separate visits, CT scan, and two ultrasounds, I am happy to share that I will not need any surgery. I am desperate to be back in an operating room….but not that desperate. 

This has also led to me taking all of my French notes right handed. I have to say, it is almost as good as my left-handed writing. I don’t know if that says more about how good my right hand is, or how bad my actual handwriting is 🙂





Still eating croissants on Fridays


Our Yoda for Switzerland, Carol.



Lent Season

This season still feels weird. I still feel unsettled in Switzerland and the closer I get to finishing, the antsier (don’t know if that is a word) I am to get to Togo. I am finishing my B1 French class this Friday, which is very exciting, I can now share all of my thoughts and opinions in French, which I’m sure everyone around me also loves. 

For Lent, I am doing a study through Ecclesiastes called “Every Broken Thing”. If you are unfamiliar or haven’t thought about Ecclesiastes in a while, it starts… “Vanity of vanities, says the preacher, all is vanity.  Vanity of vanities! All is Vanity” in the ESV version or “Meaningless! Meaningless! says the Teacher. Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.” in the NIV version. (Ecclesiastes 1:2) Oh the drama. A real upper. But of course I think we have all likely been in this headspace one time or another. 

I have very rarely practiced or participated in lent, giving something up, or if I did, I thought it was really great accountability for a new diet; however this year I decided to step a little deeper. This book of the bible is no joke. It asks hard questions and gives few answers. Many of us would likely find some solace in these pages that maybe we aren’t the only ones feeling this way, others may find it unnerving. The writer of this book (maybe Solomon, maybe not) did not know the end of the story, but we have the benefit of hindsight and knowing the story leads to Jesus.  And while this book says things like “nothing is new”, we know that that may have been true… until Jesus made all things new.

I am obviously less than one week in to the study, so I’ll keep you posted on how it plays out. Call it, reader retention.


Where I’m finding meaning lately is in relationships. Whether a friend willing to leave the beautiful mountain and take pictures of you in urgent care, or a group of friends thousands of miles away praying that I don’t have to have surgery, to my mom offering to fly here if I needed the support. I am constantly seeing God through the people he has placed in my life. 

Bob Goff says: “God doesn’t pass us notes, He gives us each other”. 

I am very thankful for all of the people in my life who show up. *

* Metaphorically, I did not need anyone to fly to Switzerland, and plus I live with another surgeon right now so in good “hands” <– both literally AND metaphoricalIy

Prayer List

  • Quick healing! I’m in a splint for 4 weeks but then should be back on the slopes! Just kidding….it will be spring here, so likely more like mountain biking.
  • Continued French learning 
  • Preparing my heart and my mind for Togo



3 Replies to “Becoming Ambidextrous”

  1. Ugh-sorry to read about this injury! Blessing to you as you heal and move towards wrapping up the Switzerland portion of your French studies!

  2. Love you as proud of your continued strength and adventurous spirit!!!! Praying every day for you my sweet friend.

  3. So sorry for your accident! Thankful you do not need surgery.
    Hope your studies continue to go well and you can soon be on your way to Togo!
    Cindy, for Daniel too

    “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you;
    the LORD be gracious to you; the LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace.”
    Numbers 6:24-26

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