Bigger Circles


This last month has been a lot of ups and downs. Some really high highs and some lows. Luckily the lows have mostly been short-lived with a good cry, a danceparty, and some deep prayer. I think there is a part where you start to feel settled and like you have things under control and then a wave just crashes into you and pulls you under for a bit. In those moments, I am learning to take a moment and be real with God and my team with where I’m at. I think I sometimes have tried to hide being “too emotional” or having a hard time, but am constantly reminded that that is how I was created and it’s ok to feel my feelings. God has been really faithful with putting people into my life to speak those truths, and remind me that He is in those moments. He has also been faithful to give me some good wins this month to sustain me through the losses. 


Drawing Circles

Two of my separate studies this past month have focused on the story of the woman at the well. I have really appreciated reminding myself of Jesus, who steps out of the “cultural norms” and makes a woman feel seen. Pretty crazy to think this is the first time He actually reveals to someone who He really is, and reminds me that in that moment, He did not want her to have any confusion about who was offering her living water. No parables. No stories. He just clearly says “I am He”. And her response is to immediately forget all of the reasons she was running away from society and hiding. Meeting Jesus was revolutionary enough that it upended everything for her. In a culture where I feel like we are obsessed with drawing lines between people (even sometimes in churches, maybe even mostly), I am reminded that Jesus was always drawing circles, including more people. I hope I can continue to be more like Jesus and keep drawing my circles bigger and bigger.


We have officially moved into the discipline stage of the puppy life. She is wiId. I have been having a lot of fun, but there is just about 1.5 hours in the evening when she is out of control. I have been told by parents here that I sound like I have a toddler. 

We had a women’s weekend in the capital where we were able to shop (not for groceries, thank goodness) and hang out together. I got all of the women together to play a game of musical chairs “never have I ever” and they did not disappoint. There were multiple times when people ended up on the ground, so the competitive spirit is alive and well, which you all know is my vibe. 

Work is going well, we have been busy! I’m still doing about 50% surgeries that I’ve never done before, BUT I would say that I’m getting comfortable feeling uncomfortable. Also, one of my side jobs of organizing the supply closet, is teaching me about which fruits of the spirit I need to work on! Always good to be reminded.


This face……

Lome beach!

Patient Spotlight

A man came in with a machete injury around 3am. I quickly evaluated him, then grabbed a textbook about fixing eyelids while they got the patient under anesthesia. I spent a while channeling my OMFS and plastics training. the right eyelid was in half, and left ear almost completely in half with exposed cartilage. Unsure if he would be able to see again.

I am thrilled to report that I just got to see him and remove his sutures and everything looks great! Even better, he has complete vision in that eye. God is good. 


What I’m watching/listening to/reading

  1. Gators Football (obviously) chomp chomp
  2. Dog training youtube videos
  3. Great British Bake Off
  4. Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis
  5. All the normal podcasts, Andy Stanley, Faith Adjacent, For the Love.


Prayer requests

  • My grandmother has had a couple of falls recently, so prayers for healing and stability
  • Connectedness- feeling like I can still stay connected to my friends and family back in the states
  • We have an 8 year old girl with a bad abdominal fistula. Prayers for weight gain, good nutrition and guidance for how our team can best help her.
  • Continued team support and that we can get things ready to have residents start in January!



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