In The Wilderness.

It’s been a while.

Do you hear the song by Staind every time you read that? I do. Anyways I digress, it has been a while because I have been busy and also went on a vacation. My parents visited for a month, I went to South Africa on vacation, and we started a surgical residency! A pretty big start to 2024. 

My parents were able to come and visit for Christmas and I appreciate all of the people who were praying for their time. They managed to survive the heat and the mosquitos mostly unscathed. They got to meet Bissap, which was mostly a positive experience (more on that later). They visited church, met my community, went on some hikes, ate fufu, abused the A/C in my house….. All of the African staples. It was really a sweet time sharing my life here with them. 

I then went on vacation to South Africa for a safari! It was really incredible to experience creation and get to see some of these animals up close in their environment. Stay tuned for some cool pictures. I will say it’s the first time I’ve been on a vacation where I chose to wake up at 4am multiple times!

Also in big news, we started a PAACS program! (Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons) whichis a surgical residency program. I am beyond excited for this, teaching is one of my favorite things so I’m thrilled to get to pour into the next generation of African Surgeons. What a treat to be part of this special occasion. God is good. 

Life Stressors

I’m at the 7 month mark, which I have heard is kind of a marker where things get harder and I am feeling it. I’m through the honeymoon period and into the wilderness. Jesus spent a lot of time in the wilderness so I at least know I’m not alone in it. There are a multitude of things going on: starting a new residency with a new schedule, I’m moving houses in the next two weeks, and most stressful, my dog has developed some behavioral issues. Man guys, is this what having kids is like? I don’t know about that. I can at least put Bissap in a crate and control the situation that way. 80% of the time she is wonderful, but her african wildness has come out a little bit and we have had to take some steps back from playing with children and gotten into serious training. Sounds kind of petty as I type this, but it is a huge part of my life right now so I am including it. 



Finding the opportunity in the opposition.

My devotional right now is very conveniently focusing on “The Wilderness”. Jesus started his ministry in two big ways. He first was reminded of who he was, he was reminded that He is the beloved Son of God. The next thing he did was go out into the wilderness and was tempted for 40 days. Both of these things laid the foundation of his future ministry. Jesus needed to be confident is his identity but also resilient in the face of adversity. So here I am, trying to look at my wilderness as an opportunity for growth. How are these challenges sharpening my walk with the Lord? I am learning to see the opportunity in the opposition.

“I cried out, “I am slipping!” but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me.
When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer”

Psalm 94:18-19 NLT


Patient Spotlight

I’m currently taking care of a 22 yo woman who had a 4th degree tear during a childbirth one year ago that was not repaired well. I actually saw her about 5 days after I arrived here in June but she decided to put off surgery until now, which I was very happy about because now I have an OBGYN here to help me, Dr. Anne. So it was her first baby, she had a tear all the way through her sphincter muscles which was not repaired at all. So basically her vagina and rectum were connected to each other and she was completely incontinent. Can you even imagine? I can’t.
After many discussions with my attendings in Detroit and other people who know a lot more than I do, and some studying, we took her to the OR on Monday to try and separate her vagina from her rectum and repair that sphincter to give try and give her some semblance of a normal life again. The case went as smoothly as possible, so I would ask that you join me in prayer that God would breath life into those sphincter muscles! (thats the first time I’ve prayed that specific prayer, but man am I praying it now!!) 

Some photos from vacation and the last 3 months!


What I’m Reading/Listening to/watching

  • was watching the Detroit Lions in the playoffs…..
  • Rewatching Parks and Rec as a comfort blanket, watching new Queer Eye season
  • Reading Perelandra and The People’s Hospital
  • Watched Barbie, loved it.
  • Listening to: Motown playlist, No Bad Dogs podcast, Renee Rapp




7 Replies to “In The Wilderness.”

  1. I have enjoyed all of your pictures of your activities, especially the safari. Looks like your Mom and Dad had a good time, always up for an adventure! Looks like you are going to be busy for the next few months or so, with teaching and work .Enjoywhat you worked so long and hard for. God Bless Norma

  2. Prayers for your patient and for you! Also, your dad is absolutely nailing the Safari look in that last photo.

  3. Thank you for this amazing update! So glad to know that you are not bored! I am so proud of you and your faithfulness. I know that you will Learn what the wilderness had to teach you. God is molding you into his likeness. You will come forth radiant and changed according to his perfect will!
    So pumped to hear about the PAACS residency at your hospital. What a blessing!!
    So good!! God is using ALL of your talents!
    Know that you are thought of and prayed for often!! When can I come for a visit…???
    Much love, blessings, and prayers!!

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