New year. Same me.


“Hope is not foolish, it’s not foolish, it is brave. It’s audacious maybe, but it’s not foolish.” – Jen Hatmaker


I love New Years Eve. I don’t know exactly what it is but something about a fresh start and a new slate and a new opportunity to write a different story. I know you can always take the opportunity to make changes, but for some people, that little push can be what they need. I don’t necessarily mean resolutions, I rarely make those, but just a chance to reflect on what you want to be known for or what you want this next year to look like. It’s a beautiful thing.

I feel incredible joy to have gotten to use this time to reflect on the last year. It has been a whirlwind… finishing residency, moving to a new continent, PASSING BOARDS (praise Jesus), and learning a new language.

On the other hand, this year has been tough for a lot of people. It has been filled with much sadness and fear. A season of realizing that things will never be the same “after” a global pandemic and of finding a “new normal” or “next normal”. I found solace in a quote from Jen Hatmaker about hope. That hope is not foolish, and it is audacious and brave. That struck me because I have absolutely felt that hope can be foolish but this quote actually made sense to me. To look hard things straight on and still hope is scary, but incredibly brave. So here’s to being brave in 2023.




To kick off the new year I had the opportunity to go to Thailand and spend some time with my great friend Jessica. I was reminded just how lucky I am to have close friendships and good community, even if we are across the world. We swam in the ocean, saw incredible fish, sea snakes (yikes!), sharks and a sea turtle. Drank water straight out of a coconut, laughed, danced, and talked about what God is doing in our lives. I will always try to remember how rare the treasure of good friendships are and cherish each and every opportunity.


2 Replies to “New year. Same me.”

  1. Launa,

    Genae and I are sitting here reading your blog. So glad to hear you are doing well! We have been to Thailand before, too, and love it. May God bless you in 2023!!

  2. Launa, thanks for sharing this we look forward to hearing and seeing more. Glad you are well, and hope always springs eternal.

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