This Time for Africa


Jetting off.

Ok guys. I know it’s been a million years since I posted, but I also have a million things to do. SO. I will. be channeling my surgeon side and this post is going to be short and sweet.


  • I finished French class, it was a whirlwind. I don’t know how good I am, however I was able to order shrimp in France, so, 8 months well spent.
  • I went on a family vacation through France and Spain. It was absolutely wonderful, we saw so much, hiked, chatted and of course played Euchre.
  • I leave Thursday June 15th at 8 am.  I am actually heading to Geneva today to check my bags and to make sure I can catch my flight.
  • What I’m listening to/reading: Beth Moore’s book “All My Knotted Up Life” was incredible. Listening to The Bible Binge podcast and Andy Stanley’s latest sermon series. Both are *chefs kiss*

Prayer Requests

  • Safe and efficient travels. Specifically that all of my medical supplies arrive intact and the customs process is easy.
  • Good goodbyes here in Switzerland.
  • A good start to new community!
  • Continued healing of my left thumb (mostly back to normal, but starting to operate again soon!)
  • Honestly, I have no idea what exactly to pray for, full honesty…. I just keep saying “God, you know what I need, so I’ll just let you handle that.”


Thanks for all of the prayers! Next update, I will be in Africa!


5 Replies to “This Time for Africa”

  1. Many prayers are being answered by your service in Africa and many more prayers are being said for you now. You are a light in this world’s darkness Launa.

  2. Lana omg so great to hear from you and your continued journey. We have you in our prayers. And we are grateful for your healing thumb. Stay well and enjoy this wonderful journey.

    Phillip and Sandra

  3. Oh, Launa, so very proud of you and your journeys in this world! Your faith is amazing and your strength is inspirational. Will keep praying for you!

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